Course Title LON Certification Status
ABCs of resilience and Self-care for Preschool and Early Intervention Educators NEW! L1, L2, EY1, EY2
Nutritional Needs of Infants and Toddler’s Mental Health and Well-Being NEW! L1, L2, EY1, EY2
Partners in Unison: Building Collaborative Practices with Stakeholders across Disciplines NEW!  Not Available

WSQ Adopt the Early Years Development Framework

L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2

WSQ Manage Challenging Behaviours 

L1 , L2

Bringing Outdoor Fun Indoor

L1, L2, EY1, EY2

Creating a Self-Directed Learning Environment

L1 , L2 , EY2
Empowering Preschool Educators with Effective Communication Skills L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Every Child Matters: Keeping Them Safe & Protected!  L1, L2, EY1, EY2
Exploring Meaningful Playtime with Infants & Toddlers  L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
From Chaos to Calm: The “Zen” classroom L1, L2, EY2
From Teaching to Thinking-Stretching Children’s thinking through Questioning  L1, L2, EY2
GO E.A.S.T. (Experience Arts & Science with Toddlers)  L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Harnessing Play through Intentional Teaching L1, L2, EY2
I Say I Can Do It! EY1 , EY2
Interpersonal Relationships and Teacher-Child Interaction in Infant and Toddler Classroom  L1, L2, EY1, EY2
Managing Children’s Behaviour through Positive Guidance L1, L2, EY1 , EY2
Mobile Photography in an Early Childhood Environment Not Available
Observation, Documentation and Assessment in an Infant and Toddler Classroom L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Promoting Pre-Literacy Skills in Infants and Toddlers  L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Proposal Writing Skills for PDP Participants L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Reflect to Affect – New Insights of Self and Practice  L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Supporting Emotional Development of Infant and Toddler  L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
“Task in a Box” Creating Resources for the Learning Corners L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
The Learning and Caring Environment for Infants  L1 , EY1 , EY2
Working Hand-in-Hand in Managing Conflicts and Challenging Situations L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Course Title  LON Certification Status
Children’s Wellbeing and the Preschool Environmental Safety NEW!
L1, L2, EY1, EY2
Nutritional needs of Infants and Toddler’s mental health and well-being NEW!
L1, L2, EY1, EY2
Exploring Creativity in Natural Science Through Chinese Language
L1 , L2 , EY2
PDP 教师专题项目写作技能 Proposal Writing Skills For PDP Participants(Synchronous e-learning)  L1 , L2, EY1 , EY2
How to Use Resources Effectively for Chinese Language Education
L1 , L2, EY2
Choosing the RIGHT Chinese Books and Toys for Pre-Schoolers
L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Using Picture Prompts to Stimulate Thinking and Promote Oral and Aural Chinese Language (CL) Skills
L1 , L2 , EY2
Develop Infant and Toddler’s Interest in Chinese Language Learning Through Music Rhythm
L1, EY1, EY2
Develop Children’s Interest in Learning Chinese Through Music Rhythm for 4 to 6 year old
L1 , L2
WSQ Adopt the Early Years Development Framework
L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
WSQ 挑战性行为管理
WSQ Manage Challenging Behaviours
L1 , L2
Using Information Technology in Teaching in a Multi-Lingual Environment
L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Chinese Language Teaching in an Inclusive Preschool Environment
L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Family Education in the Transition from Preschool to Primary School
L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Music and Dance through Mandarin Phonics (Hanyu Pinyin) Teaching
 L1 , L2
Family Values and Children’s Social Development
L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Education Methods for Children’s Stage Art Performances
 L1 , L2
Children’s Interest in Painting and Calligraphy
 L1 , L2
如何在普通幼儿园班级中支持特殊需要的孩子  L1 , L2
我说我能行的!—— 心理韧性与情绪健康
I Say I Can Do It!
L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2
Working hand-in-hand in managing conflicts and challenging situations
L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2

Student’s Messages

Course Title: 选“对”华文图书和玩具 Choosing the RIGHT Chinese Books and Toys for Pre-Schoolers

陈副院长,您好!今天第一次上侯老师的课居然被捆绑,但我们上得超开心!也从中获益不浅!谢谢啊!🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘 希望以后能多安排在星期六,这样我们可以多参加有关课程!🤗🤗🤗
