Agent Code of Conduct
- Agent must not contravene with any expectation stated in the contract
- Agent must not be engaged in any unethical practice such as making claims, warranties, representations or statements which may be false, untrue, ambiguous, misleading, inaccurate or fraudulent
- Agent must be aware of relevant Singapore laws or regulations of any government agency and do not go against these laws and regulations
- Agent must apply principles of fair trading when recruiting students and must not engage in high- pressure sales, “bait & switch” advertising, or similar unfair practices
- Agent must not be negligent, careless or incompetent such that they compromise the integrity of PEI and Singapore’s reputation
- Agent must follow the PEI’s procedures and clarify any doubt
- Agent should disclose to the Institute any commission paid to them by any applicant. Agent should not collect any fees or money (other than the declared commission) from any applicants