TGS-2020501323 (Synchronous e-learning)
The design of the physical space plays a primary role in facilitating the development and maintenance of relationship of the occupants. The space sends a message that getting to know one another is important, constructing expectations of how we work, live and play in those settings. Effective environments are comfortable, interesting, attractive and appropriate for the child, holding intrinsic interest and giving children myriad ways to practice and refine skills across all aspects of learning.
A self-directed learning environment is about children having opportunities to choose, extend their play, interest and learning. Children will have purposeful opportunities to become absorbed and engrossed, develop skill of concentration and perseverance. A self-directed learning environment not only provides opportunities to apply learning from other curricular areas, but also helps children to work collaboratively, which can be transferred and applied to all learning that takes place in the centre, at home and in all aspects of life. Thus, paving the way for lifelong learners.