TGS-2016500657 (Synchronous e-learning)

The Early Years Development Framework sets the standard for quality of care and learning practices that are specific to the developmental needs of infants, toddlers and pre-nursery children. It describes desired outcomes, key principles and practices for young children’s holistic development and learning.

The Framework provides educarers with broad guidelines to plan and deliver culturally and developmentally appropriate experiences, strengthen home-centre partnerships, enhance professional development and foster community networking.

  1. Understand the guiding principles, outcomes and practices stated in the EYDF
  2. Apply strategies from the Framework to develop warm and nurturing relationships with young children
  3. Use the desired outcomes and sub-outcomes in the Framework to plan, implement, and review programmes for young children
  4. Use the Framework as a guide to provide culturally and developmentally appropriate care for infants, toddlers and nursery children in a safe and healthy environment
  5. Translate ideas from the Framework to strengthen home-centre partnerships, enhance professional development and foster community networking


  • Overview of the Early Years Development Framework
  • The Developing Child
  • The Intentional Programme
  • The Involved Family
  • The Engaged Community

LON Certification Status: L1 , L2 , EY1 , EY2

Occupational Title: Beginning Preschool Educator, Preschool Educator, Senior Preschool Educator, Lead Educator, Senior Lead Educator, Centre Leader


  • 16 hours

Award of Certificate

WSQ Statement of Attainment upon successful course completion.

$381.50(Course Fee) | $136.50 (After Singaporean/PR Funding)

*Funding not applicable to foreigners
Note: The course fee shown is an estimate only. Course fees payable are subject to revision, funding eligibility and approval. Please contact us for details on course fees.

Fees quoted are inclusive of 9% GST