TGS-2020505142 (Classroom & Synchronous) / TGS-2021004347 (Synchronous e-learning)

A well-designed learning and care environment for infants and toddlers is one that supports children’s holistic development and learning – challenges their motor skills, stimulates their senses, and fosters their emotional well-being, and the way the caring environment is arranged can make a great difference for both the infants. The environment directly affects educarer-infant relationships, and the relationships between the children in the group.

This course will provide the participants the opportunity to discuss and explore ways to create an empowering learning and caring environment for infants. Discussions will include how to personalise the infant environment in order to respond to their developmental growth, and changing interests and abilities.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Use their understanding of infant development to enable them to design a responsive environment for infants in group care.
2. Set up empowering play spaces for sensorial and movement experiences.
3. Manage changes in the environment for the developing needs of infants.
4. Evaluate effectiveness of the learning and caring environment for infants.

LON Certification Status: L1 , EY1 , EY2
Occupational Title: Beginning Infant Educator, Infant Educator, Senior Infant Educator, Beginning Early Years Educator, Early Years Educator, Senior Early Years Educator, Lead Early Years Educator, Beginning Preschool Educator, Preschool Educator, Senior Preschool Educator, Lead Preschool Educator, Deputy Centre Leader, Centre Leader


  • Classroom & Synchronous
    9 hours (7.5 hours classroom, 1.5 hours online)
  • Synchronous e-learning
    9 hours (9 hours online)

Award of Certificate

ECDA Certificate of Attendance upon successful course completion.

$264.87 (Course Fee) | $167.67 [ECDA Funding (Foreigner)] | $94.77 (After Singaporean/PR Funding)

*Fees quoted are inclusive of 9% GST
Note: The course fee shown is an estimate only. Course fees payable are subject to revision, funding eligibility and approval. Please contact us for details on course fees.