TGS-2019503762 (Synchronous e-learning)
This module will introduce students to young children’s behavioural development, the reasons and influences of problem behaviours in young children, and children’s psychological needs. Respectful relationships with children form the foundation in guiding young children and promoting security and attachment in children.
It will examine the different strategies in guiding and managing children, helps students develop the ability to foster trusting, respectful relationships with children by demonstrating understanding of, and respect towards, children of different temperaments and culture. This includes creating a nurturing, emotional and interactional environment that promotes security and attachment for children. It also includes managing one’s emotional responses towards children to provide respectful and responsive care-giving, and self-reflection of own effectiveness in identifying and applying appropriate positive guidance techniques.
This module also covers exceptional children as learners within the context of the community, school, and family. Emphasis is on the social, physical, and cultural issues relating to the analysis and teaching of exceptional children. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of identification processes, mainstreaming techniques, professional practices and attitudes, as well as build up a network of referral services for children with special needs.