As a thought leader and praxis innovator in the early childhood education space, KLCII’s faculty members are regularly invited to share our pedagogical knowledge and expertise at various forums. Recently, two of our most senior Chinese language experts were again invited to speak at the “Good Start Early Childhood Education Conference 2023” on 29 September.

Participants registering for Dr. Chen Shi’s,  Vice Principal (Chinese Programmes) presentation.

The conference theme this year was “Effecting Change in Our Classrooms”. It was designed to share with EC practitioners evidence-based practices and case studies which they could apply in their classrooms for their children’s developmental needs.

Dr. Chen Shi,  Vice Principal (Chinese Programmes), and Mr James Ling Jian, Head of Chinese Language Learning, each delivered a presentation in the breakout sessions of the event held at Suntec City Convention Centre.

Both Dr. Chen Shi, Vice Principal (Chinese Programmes) (Middle-right), and Mr James Ling Jian, Head of Chinese Language Learning (Right) with some of the participants from the breakout sessions.

Dr Chen Shi shared with her audience how they could identify and use more effectively “Resources for teaching Chinese language in early childhood”. She discussed how educators could better integrate language elements with various teaching resources and materials in formulating their teaching plans, and improve delivery of their classes.

Dr. Chen Shi,  Vice Principal (Chinese Programmes) pictured during her sharing.

Mr James Ling presented a paper on “Strategies for coping with children’s learning needs in integrated classes”. He shared with the participants how to observe and understand the behaviour of children, analyse their functional goals and provide behavioural support. By doing so, educators would be able to better design more comprehensive and inclusive learning programmes for their classes.

Beginning of Mr James Ling’s sharing on “Strategies for coping with children’s learning needs in integrated classes” paper. 

This event was organised by Good Start SG. The co-organisers were Singapore University of Social Sciences, Anglican Preschool Services, CAPE Nurturing Heroes, First Campus and Presbyterian Preschool Services.

KLCII offers a range to courses to help early childhood educators continually hone their craft, and go more in-depth in learning and applying the latest in proven pedagogical strategies. For a list of the upcoming Continuing Professional Development courses offered by KLCII, find out via this link (