Teachers are very often required to take photos to prepare individual portfolios. They also have to periodically record class activities for pictorial reports to parents, and for use in their preschool websites.
Smart phones with useful camera features have become very handy, and the teachers rely mainly on them for taking photos of their children’s learning and play activities.
More than half a dozen childcare teachers from Skool4kidz attended an online “Mobile photography in an early childhood environment” workshop on 14 & 15 October 2020 to better understand how to take better pictures and process them for use.

Organised by KLC International Institute, the two half-day sessions walked the teachers through the principles of photography, what makes good photographs, common mistakes to avoid, and how to shoot, review and edit them.
They learned about the importance of the human element in photographs, what angles to shoot, how to compose the pictures they want to take, considering such things as key subject features, depth of field, subject positioning, lines (perspectives), curves and reflections.

More importantly, they learned how to focus and adjust exposure using the functional features on their iOS and Android phones, including the burst and live modes, respectively.

The participants were given the opportunity during the segment to take photos in various environments for a sharing and review session facilitated by professional Photographer.