智源教育学院 在2019年8月3号举办的的毕业典礼上,为1256名顺利完成学业的毕业生颁发毕业证书。今年毕业生总数超过了2018年的1219人,再创新高。

其中,524位毕业生完成了他们的英文课程,708位学生完成了华语课程,还有24位毕业生获得了华文本科学位 。上述课程涵盖了幼儿保育和教育初级课程, 幼儿保育和教育新技能高级课程,国际幼儿保育和教育大专课程以及北京师范大学学前教育学士学位课程。


超过230名毕业生和他们的家人及监护人共同参加了今年在滨海大道附近Stephen Riady Auditorium @NTUC举行的毕业盛典。




Ten of the graduands won the Best Student Award. Among them were Ms Peng Jun, from the 4th batch of  BNU degree course and Mr Sunny Wong, who excelled in the WSQ Professional Diploma in ECCE.

One of the Best Student Awardees, Mr Sunny Wong, reminisced in his valedictory speech about the “fond memories” he had at KLCII and how his outlook was shaped by the experience. He was the only male student in the class and had felt strange at the beginning. Although the “lessons were difficult”, because early childhood was new for him, he managed to “stay focused”.

With the support of the patient and committed lecturers at KLCII, Mr Wong was able to discover his strengths and weaknesses to embrace and adopt a positive mindset, and became more involved, participative and collaborative in class.

“However, what I liked about it was that the lessons were conducted along with open discussions and class interactions. Eventually the strange feeling went away,” he said.

Sunny Wong 先生,最佳学生, 智源教育学院