TGS-2024046838 & TGS-2024046923 (Synchronous e-learning)

Food preferences and eating habits that developed during early years often persist into adulthood, therefore everyday meals for young children needs to be well-balanced and appropriate throughout different developmental stages. Understanding the nutritional needs of infants and toddlers is crucial as it can impact their physical and emotional well-being. Besides providing appropriate learning opportunities, establishing good eating habits is important in supporting healthy brain development, as well as physical and socio-emotional development. Children with healthy emotional well-being can contribute to better confidence, more positive dispositions and social skills. Educators should contribute to children’s emotional wellness by observing and paying attention to children’s dietary needs and partner with parents to better provide for the children under their care.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Examine the relationship between nutrition and the physical and emotional development of infants and toddlers
2. Create a well-balanced meal plan for infants and toddlers.
3. Provide a conducive eating environment to promote young children’s well-being

LON Certification Status: L1, L2, EY1 and EY2

Occupational Title: Beginning Infant Educator, Infant Educator, Senior Infant Educator, Beginning Early Years Educator, Early Years Educator, Senior Early Years Educator, Lead Early Years Educator, Beginning Preschool Educator, Preschool Educator, Senior Preschool Educator, Lead Preschool Educator, Deputy Centre Leader & Centre Leader


  • 7.5 Hours

Award of Certificate

ECDA Certificate of Attendance upon successful course completion.

$220.73 (Course Fee) | $139.73 [ECDA Funding (Foreigner)] | $78.98 (After Singaporean/PR Funding)

*Fees quoted are inclusive of 9% GST
Note: The course fee shown is an estimate only. Course fees payable are subject to revision, funding eligibility and approval. Please contact us for details on course fees.